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On the Chinese Translations of Wuthering Heights-Comparison between Yang Yis Version and Fang Pings Version under Pragmatic Views
    1.1 Background of the author Emily Bront(?)第10-11页
    1.2 About the translators and their translation viewpoints第11-16页
Chapter Two: Various views of different literary critics第16-20页
    2.1 Negative views by Emily's contemporary critics:第16页
    2.2 Charlotte's views on Wuthering Heights:第16-17页
    2.3 Positive Views by Critics:第17-20页
Chapter Three: The necessity to employ pragmatic theories in translation studies and practice第20-25页
    3.1 The relation between translation studies and pragmatic studies第20-22页
    3.2 The significance of applying pragmatics to translation studies第22-24页
    3.3 Some pragmatic issues and relevance theory issues that will be applied in the paper第24-25页
Chapter Four: Application of pragmatic theories and approaches in comparison of two Chinese translations of Wuthering Heights第25-56页
    4.1 Different features in the translations by Fang Ping and Yaug Yi第25-26页
    4.2 Assessment in pragmatic perspective第26-56页
        4.2.1 Assessment principles第28-33页
        4.2.2 Comparison between the two Chinese translations of Wuthering Heights第33-50页
   Comparison between the translations of vocatives第34-40页
   Comparison between the translations of the language in conversations第40-44页
   Comparison between the translations of narration第44-50页
        4.2.3 Strong points and weak points of the two versions respectively第50-54页
        4.2.4 Comments of the results-the possible factors that may lead to the two different versions第54-56页
Chapter Five: Conclusion第56-59页

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