【西医学评职论文下载】【关键词】 底物固相分散法;,,甘草;,,菊酯类农药;,,残留量摘要:目的检测甘草中菊酯类的农药残留。 方法 运用底物固相分散(MSPD)法、气相色谱法同测定甘草中5种菊酯类农药残留。结果甲氰菊酯、三氟氯氰菊酯、百树菊酯、氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯的加标回收率均大于80%,RSD<5%,甘草样品在优化的 MSPD实验条件下,无需进一步净化即可用于气相色谱检测。结论该方法具有专有试剂用量少,操作简便,快速等特点。 关键词:底物固相分散法; 甘草; 菊酯类农药; 残留量 A Matrix Solid-phase Disperion Method for Determination of Pyrethroids in radix glycyrrhizae Abstract:ObjectiveTo determine the pyrethroids in radix glycyrrhzae.MethodsFive pyrethroids in radix glycyrrhizae were determined by matrix solid-phase dispersion method (MSPD)and gas chromatography .Results The recoveries of fenpropathrin ,cylalothrin ,cyfluthrin,cypermethirn and fenvalerate were over 80%, RSD<5%,under the MSPD condition,no further cleanup was necessary for subsequent gas chromatographic determination.ConclusionThis method has feature of fewer solvents ,easy operation and rapidness. Key words:Matrix solid -phase disper