摘要 | 第4-5页 |
Abstract | 第5页 |
Acknowledgements | 第6-8页 |
Introduction | 第8-14页 |
Chapter One White American’s Pursuit of Economic Interests Transforms Slaves From Human to Object | 第14-27页 |
1.1 Domestic Slave Trade Makes Slaves Commodities | 第15-21页 |
1.2 Slave Management System Makes Slaves Working Tools | 第21-27页 |
Chapter Two White American’s Pursuit of Power Transforms Black People From Independent Individuality to Numb Slaves | 第27-43页 |
2.1 Masters Torment Slaves Physically | 第28-36页 |
2.1.1 Disciplining Makes Slaves Accept Slave Identity | 第28-31页 |
2.1.2 Whipping Makes Slaves Fear Master’s Supremacy | 第31-33页 |
2.1.3 Lynching Makes Solomon Fear to Lose life | 第33-36页 |
2.2 Masters Control Slaves Mentally | 第36-43页 |
2.2.1 Master Ford and Epps Use Christianity to Realize the Maintainance of Slavery | 第37-40页 |
2.2.2 Education Restriction Guarantees Illiterate and Numb Slaves | 第40-43页 |
Chapter Three Master's Ambivalent Attitude Toward Slaves Transforms Slaves From Hopefulness to Hopelessness | 第43-54页 |
3.1 The Easing Master-Slave Relationship Makes Slomon be Hopeful of freedom | 第43-45页 |
3.2 White Overseer Breaks the Easing Relationship Between Master Ford and Solomon | 第45-49页 |
3.3 The Mixed Emotion of Master Epps Makes Patsey be Hopeless of Life | 第49-54页 |
Conclusion | 第54-56页 |
Works Cited | 第56-60页 |