【西医学论文】【摘要】 应用 EBSD技术和织构定量检测手段 分析 高纯铝箔成品退火的再结晶立方取向亚晶粒的长大行为,以及整体中晶粒尺寸和取向差的分布 规律 , 研究 了微量元素锡对铝箔再结晶立方织构的 影响 。结果表明:高纯铝箔的再结晶织构主要由立方织构及R织构组成, 二者的相对强弱随锡含量有规律地变化。锡含量较低时立方取向亚结构形核及快速长大的优势不受到影响,锡作为代替铅的环保型微量元素可以确保高压阳极铝箔95%以上的立方织构占有率。锡含量过高时,非立方取向再结晶核获得更多的生长机会,长时间加热大尺寸非立方取向晶粒可通过吞噬立方取向亚晶粒发生异常长大,立方织构占有率明显下降。 【关键词】 EBSD Sn 立方织构 高压铝箔 Abstract: The growing behaviors of cubeoriented subgrains in high voltage anode aluminum foil during the recrystallization process, as well as the regulations of the grain size distribution and misorientation distribution, was investigated based on the quantitative texture analysis and EBSD microorientation analysis, while the influence of Sn content on the formation of cube texture was also discussed. It was shown that with decreasing Tin content cube texture in the foils increased, while R texture decreased.When Sn content was the relatively low, the obv